Medical Eye Exam

Medical Eye Exams in Jacksonville

Here at Mandarin Vision Center in Jacksonville, FL, medical eye exams are very similar to routine eye exams. We perform many of the same tests for both, but the main difference is what we expect the outcome to be. A medical exam is to diagnose your condition, while a routine exam checks things such as astigmatism or farsightedness. 

Medical Eye Exam — Jacksonville, FL — Mandarin Vision Center

Eye Infections

It is pretty easy for your eye to become infected by foreign bacteria entering your eye. The two most common infections are conjunctivitis (also known as pink eye) and styes. Pink eye is inflammation of your eye along with the inside of your eyelid. It can be caused by bacterial/viral infections, allergies, or substances entering your eye. Symptoms of pink eye can include itching, swelling, discharge, pain, and trouble seeing.

There are two different types of styes. There are external and internal styes. They can look like a bump on your eyelid. Styes appear after your eyelid follicles or skin gets blocked and becomes infected. Styes will usually only last one or two weeks. They typically go away without treatment, but you must come to visit us to determine the problem when it doesn't.

Symptoms of other eye infections include:

  • Dry eye
  • Red-eye
  • Corneal abrasions

Eye Trauma

Eye trauma can include many different things. The most common injuries are bruises and scratches. Trauma is usually caused by an accident where the eye was subjected to damage. Eye injuries could heal on their own, but it is essential to come into Mandarin Vision Center to determine how much damage was done to the eye. 

Some of the common symptoms of eye trauma are:

  • Blood in eye
  • Eye pain
  • Retinal tears


Glaucoma is an eye condition that hurts your optic nerves and can be detrimental to your vision. It is usually caused to higher-than-normal pressure in your eye. Glaucoma can cause blindness in people that leave it untreated. The vision cannot be recovered once it's lost, so it is crucial to have eye exams often.


Over time, diabetes can damage your eyes. The damage can lead to vision impairments, and if it gets bad enough, it could cause complete vision loss. Diabetes can cause cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and diabetic macular edema. Contact Mandarin Vision Center today to schedule an appointment to determine if diabetes is affecting your vision!

Macular Degenerations

Macular degeneration is common for people over the age of 50. It causes impaired vision due to a part of your retina becoming thinner over time. Macular degeneration could develop in one or both eyes at the same time. Contact Mandarin Vision Center to try to detect it early before it gets any worse.


Cataracts are when your eye lens becomes cloudy. The lens is supposed to be clear, so when it becomes cloudy, it hinders your sight. When light enters your eye when suffering from cataracts, it can cause blurry vision or, even worse, vision loss.


Eye floaters are spots that may appear in your vision. They usually appear to be black or grey strings that float around when you move your eyes. When you try to look directly at them, they dart out of your line of vision. If you begin to notice eye floaters, contact Mandarin Vision Center today to determine the severity of your condition.

Contact Mandarin Vision Center today to schedule an appointment for a medical exam!

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